4 Curry’s Post Road, Howick, 3290 033 330 6184 Mon - Fri: 07:30AM - 17:30PM | Sat: 09:00AM - 12:00PM

Pet Care Contract

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We encourage kids to be responsible pet owners too!
Having pets and kids at the same time can be very rewarding and fun! Your pets and your kids can benefit from one another, however it is important that you as the parent take responsibility to teach your kids some important pet ownership measures. Children can play a great role in caring for pets, as long as they know how to look after the fur-kids!

This Pet Care Contract is the perfect way to remind your kids about the importance of caring for their pet. The Pet Care Contract is a promise that your kids will make to feed their pet every day, provide it with fresh water, make sure they have a comfy bed at night and play with them- thus helping you as well as teaching them how to care for an animal’s well-being and about the responsibilities that come with owning a pet. ??

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